Friday, July 27, 2012

Commonly Asked Question

So a commonly asked question I get:
How do you (me, Bella) self-harm?

Well, I usually cut. When I don't want to cut, I sometimes bruise myself. And the weirdest one of all is that sometimes when I get mad at something or someone and get the feeling to self-harm, I may bite myself. This picture was before I went even MORE crazy with cutting today.

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Butterfly Project

The Butterfly Project
The butterfly project is something to help people to stop cutting. Basically all you must do is follow the 7 rules that are listed below.

1.) When you feel like wanting to self-harm, take an orange* sharpie** and draw a butterfly wherever you are wanting to self-harm
2.) Name the butterfly after a loved one or just someone that is very special to you or special to your life
3.) You must let the butterfly fade naturally - NO SCRUBBING IT OFF PURPOSELY
4.) If you self-harm before the butterfly is completely faded, you've killed it
5.) If you have multiple butterflies and self-harm they all die
6.) Another person may draw a butterfly on you. These ones are extra special
7.) Even if you don't self-harm draw a butterfly on your wrist, and show your support. Name that one out of someone that you know that cuts or someone special

* Orange is the support color
** Sharpie takes longer to fade

Self-Harm Help or Advice

Alright, so this is the first post. I will introduce myself. I am Bella. I have talked to many people about self-harming many times. If you want someone to talk to or if you would like some advice on struggles through self-harm just email me at either of the emails listed below. If you have any requests for an article or any requests for posts on advice just comment. I will keep the person who requests it private, if you want too.